Who We Are

Making Triple Negative Breast Cancer Feel a Little Less Lonely

About Us

When Founder, Kelly Thomas, was diagnosed in 2018 with Stage 3C Triple Negative Breast Cancer she went to social media to find TNBC survivor stories, but when she only found those no longer here or the grim statistics of TNBC, she was determined to find them.

One year later, TNBC Thrivers was born.

Founder of TNBC Thrivers,

Kelly Thomas

Diagnosed at 33 years old with no known genetic mutations or family history, Kelly did what any millennial would do in 2018, she took to instagram.

From counting chemotherapies to sharing her journey as a triple negative breast cancer patient, Kelly started sharing her story and began to connect to the breast cancer community on social media but finding others with TNBC was not an easy feat. Feeling frustrated she wasn’t finding those that understood what it meant to fight triple negative breast cancer, Kelly founded TNBC Thrivers in 2019.

Now a six year triple negative breast cancer thriver and survivor, Kelly is the proud founder of TNBC Thrivers, the first social media community to be founded by a Triple Negative Thriver for the community of Triple Negative Thrivers.

Kelly is a content creator, chat host for tnbc thrivers, breast cancer advocate, cat mama and wife to her preschool boo of 12 years.

Follow her journey at @iamkellythomas and join the IG TNBC Thriver Community at @tnbc_thrivers.

Thriver, Advocate and Moderator

Tiffany Clifton-Reed

Diagnosed with TNBC in October of 2020, three days before her 48th birthday, while in the middle of graduate school and working a full-time job. Tiffany had been getting mammograms since she was 39, because of her paternal grandmother’s diagnosis of breast cancer. While Tiffany was shocked and frustrated she had breast cancer, Tiffany decided she was not going to let cancer get her so down that she would give up. Tiffany continued with Grad School while receiving surgery, radiation and working full time. Tiffany continued to educate herself even more on Breast Cancer.

After treatment Tiffany immersed herself in Advocacy. Tiffany is an Angel Advocate for The Tigerlily Foundation and went to Capitol Hill to encourage Congress to pass Act 235 TNBC Research and Education Act. She is a member for the Task Force for Women of Color with UFH (Unite for Her). Tiffany is part of the Health Equity Advocacy Council for Independence Blue Cross and Patient Pair Program at Abramson Cancer Center Radiology Department at Penn Medicine.

Now a four-year triple negative breast cancer survivor and thriver. Tiffany’s focus is to help make changes in health disparities, encourage clinical trials and support the breast cancer community.

Tiffany can be found on IG at @ilovetiff72 as well as our monthly support group chats as moderator for TNBC Thriver Tuesdays and Thriver Thursday.

MTNBC Thriver, Writer, Web Developer and Moderator,

Magalie Chetrit

My name is Magalie Chetrit, better known as Maggie. Some of you know me from my site maggiematters.com, my instagram @maggiematters or as the monthly moderator for Metastatic Thrivers.

I am 46 years old web developer and I live in New Jersey with my wife, my kids and my dog Storm. 

Two years ago I was diagnosed with TNBC stage 4, during a medical exam for my green card. The oncologist did not expect me to live beyond two years. After a short time of anger and sadness, I had a thought that doctors were not always wrong and moreover miracles do happen. 

I started looking on the internet for miracle stories of people that did live long lives with metastatic cancer. During my search I got in touch with Kelly Thomas and the TNBC Thrivers group. It was such a relief to know that women with TNBC were outliving the statistics. Not just outliving, but thriving!

After some struggle I did get my green card, and was able to find a great oncologist that put me on the Ascent-4 trial which gathers data if Trodelvy is a worthy candidate to be a first line treatment. 

At the time of writing this I have been NED for a year. I found a job that’s very supportive of my treatments and I am able to combine work and treatments. Even though I still feel sick at times, it’s merely a few days. 

Every day I write in my journal my affirmation that I am able to live an enjoyable life with metastatic cancer. My intention is to die in my sleep when I’m 96 years surrounded by friends and family. I thoroughly believe that it’s possible.